Step 1: Log on
Step 2: Type ‘inurl:/view.shtml’ as a query
Step 3: You may also try using intitle:”Live View / – AXIS” | inurl:view/view.shtml^ as a query.
Step 4: This would redirect you to a page with the home pages of these urls.
Step 5: The above query reveals the IP network webcams that have been indexed by Google. You can easily get access and locate those unprotected IP network cameras used that are released or leaked to the public internet insecure cameras by using Google.
The world today has millions and millions of webcams and still more are popping out each minute. It is true to be said as the big business for every business. Even ordinary home owners these days have switched to the application of webcams in their houses. So, if you are using a webcam, encrypt the signal and protect yourself.
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